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Penns Manor Area School District Where Bright Futures Begin


P.M.A.S.D. Approves a Revised School Calendar for the 2020-21 School Year

The P.M.A.S.D. approved a revised school calendar for the 2020-21.  The changes have been made to the school calendar to provide additional in-service days at the beginning of the school year for administration and teachers to prepare for the three educational options the district is providing to parents and students for the school year.  The revised calendar also includes early dismissal of students each Wednesday of the school year.  High school students will be dismissed at 12:10 PM.  Elementary students will be dismissed at 1:10 PM.  Administration and teachers will use Wednesday afternoons to continually receive training in Google Classroom which is being used with brick and mortar students and students who selected option #2.
See revised school calendar for 2020-21.